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A generalised Newton iteration scheme

As another practical example of the use of the template file approach, consider writing a general program for solving a system of equations of the form:  
{\bf f}({\bf x})={\bf 0}\end{displaymath} (2)
using Newton's method [32]. A bold typeface is again used to denote a vector.

The system of iterates can be written as:  
{\bf x}^{(i)} = {\bf x}^{(i-1)} - ({J^{(i-1)}})^{-1} \, {\bf f}^{(i-1)} \quad ,
\quad i = 1,\ldots,itmax\end{displaymath} (3)
where $J = {\partial {\bf f}({\bf x}) \over {\partial {\bf x}}}$ denotes the Jacobian matrix and ${\bf x}^0$ is a given set of initial values used to start the iteration process. (Jk)-1 denotes the inverse of J(k) and the superscript k denotes evaluation at iterate ${\bf x}={\bf x}^{(k)}$. The iterative process is continued until some stopping criteria are satisfied at iteration itmax. When the system to be solved is scalar valued, (Jk)-1 is simply the reciprocal of Jk. For practical implementation, (3) is rewritten at each iteration as:  
{\bf x}^{(i)} ={\bf x}^{(i-1)} - {\bf y}^{(i-1)}\end{displaymath} (4)
where ${\bf y}^{(i-1)}$ satisfies  
J^{(i-1)} \, {\bf y}^{(i-1)} = {\bf f}^{(i-1)} \,.\end{displaymath} (5)
The linear system (5) is typically solved using LU decomposition of the Jacobian matrix at each iteration. The value of ${\bf y}^{(i-1)}$ thus obtained is substituted into (4) to obtain ${\bf x}^{(i-1)}$.

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Jorge Romao