%The rules for scalar numeric expresions and assignments, as
known from FORTRAN 77, are extended to accommodate the non-default kinds
we encountered in chapter .
Thus, the mixed-mode numeric expression and assignment rules incorporate
different kind type parameters in an expected way:
real2 = integer + real1converts integer to a real value of the same kind as real1; the result is of same kind, and is converted to the kind of real2 for assignment.
For scalar relational operations, there is a set of new, alternative operators:
< <= == /= > >=so we can write expressions such as
IF (a < b .AND. i /= j) THEN ! for numeric variables flag = a == b ! for logical variable flag
In the case of scalar characters, two old restrictions are lifted. Given
CHARACTER(8) resultit is now legal to write
result(3:5) = result(1:3) ! overlap allowed result(3:3) = result(3:2) ! no assignment of null string
For an operation between derived-data types, or between a derived type and an intrinsic type, we must define the meaning of the operator . (Between intrinsic types, there are intrinsic operations only.) Given
TYPE string INTEGER length CHARACTER(80) value END TYPE string CHARACTER char1, char2, char3 TYPE(string) str1, str2, str3we can write
str3 = str1//str2 ! must define operation str3 = str1.concat.str2 ! must dedine operation char3 = char2//char3 ! intrinsic operator only str3 = char1 ! must define assignmentFor the first three cases, assignment applies on a component-by-component basis (but can be overridden), and the first two cases require us to define the exact meaning of the // symbol. We see here the use both of an intrinsic symbol and of a named operator, .concat. . A difference is that, for an intrinsic operator token, the usual precedence rules apply, whereas for named operators their precedence is the highest as a unary operator or the lowest as a binary one. In
vector3 = matrix * vector1 + vector2 vector3 =(matrix .times. vector1) + vector2the two expresions are equivalent only if appropriate parentheses
are added as shown. In each case, we have to provide, in a module, procedures defining the operator and assignment, and make the association by an interface block, also in the module (we shall return to this later).
For the moment, here is an example of an interface for string concatenation
INTERFACE OPERATOR(//) MODULE PROCEDURE string_concat END INTERFACEand an example of part of a module containing the definitions of character-to-string and string to character assignment. The string concatenation function was shown already in part
SUBROUTINE c_to_s_assign(s, c) TYPE (string), INTENT(OUT) :: s CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: c s%string_data = c s%length = LEN(c) END SUBROUTINE c_to_s_assign SUBROUTINE s_to_c_assign(c, s) TYPE (string), INTENT(IN) :: s CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: c c = s%string_data(1:s%length) END SUBROUTINE s_to_c_assign FUNCTION string_concat(s1, s2) : END FUNCTION string_concat END MODULE string_type
Defined operators
such as these are required for the expressions that are
allowed too in structure constructors
(see chapter ):
str1 = string(2, char1//char2) ! structure constructor
So far we have discussed scalar variables. In the case of arrays, as long as they are of the same shape (conformable), operations and assignments are extended in an obvious way, on an element-by-element basis. For
REAL, DIMENSION(10, 20) :: a, b, c REAL, DIMENSION(5) :: v, w LOGICAL flag(10, 20)can write
a = b ! whole array assignment c = a/b ! whole array division and assignment c = 0. ! whole array assignment of scalar value w = v + 1. ! whole array addition to scalar value w = 5/v + a(1:5, 5) ! array division, and addition to section flag = a==b ! whole array relational test and assignment c(1:8, 5:10) = a(2:9, 5:10) + b(1:8, 15:20) ! array section addition and assignment v(2:5) = v(1:4) ! overlapping section assignmentThe order of expression evaluation is not specified in order to allow for optimization on parallel and vector machines. Of course, any operators for arrays of derived type must be defined.
There are some new real intrinsic functions that are useful for numeric computations:
CEILING FLOOR MODULO (also integer) EXPONENT FRACTION NEAREST RRSPACING SPACING SCALE SET_EXPONENTLike all FORTRAN 77 functions (SIN, ABS, etc., but not LEN), these are array valued for array arguments (i.e. are elemental ).