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The following operations are distinguished.
In[4]:= <<Optimize`; In[5]:= expr = Tanh[b^5] Sin[a^2] + Tanh[1/b^3] Cos[a^4]/a^5; In[6]:= FortranAssign[expr,expr,AssignOptimize->True, OptimizePower->Binary] Out[6]//OutputForm= o1=a**2 o2=o1**2 o3=b**2 o4=o6**2 expr=sin(o1)*tanh(b*o4)+cos(o2)*tanh(1/(b*o3))/(a*o2)The example also demonstrates the relation between reciprocals and powers (1/x^k and x^k) which share the same set of binary factorisations. If Optimize related messages are generated, or optimization fails for some reason, code translation proceeds using the original (unoptimized) expression.
When expressions are polynomials, special factorisations can yield more efficient evaluation. PolynomialQ[poly,var] is a logical test in Mathematica for verification that the expression poly is a polynomial in the variable var. Horner form is the most efficient form of factorisation, when issues of numerical stability are not considered. The factorisation involves n additions and n multiplications for a polynomial of degree n. The procedure Horner is provided in the package Optimize.m for factoring uni-variate and multi-variate polynomials in Horner form. The following example illustrates that when the coefficients are numeric, the routine is able to determine the variable(s) to be factored.
In[5]:= Horner[ 3 x^2 + 2 x - 1] Out[5]= -1 + x (2 + 3 x)The routine is able to determine the variables (using Variables[poly]) whenever the coefficients are numeric. The default ordering is lexicographic, but the user can over-ride this by specifying the variable list explicitly. Because of the highly recursive nature of the nesting of factors, Horner form yields a fairly severe test for code translation routines. The following example shows the behaviour of Mathematica's output formatter, simulating a nested Horner form using Fold.
In[6]:= nestpoly = Fold[ (#2 + x #1)&, 0 , Range[20] ] Out[6]= 20 + x (19 + x (18 + x (17 + x (16 + x (15 + x (14 + x (13 + x (12 + x (11 + x (10 + x (9 + x (8 + x (7 + x (6 + x (5 + x (4 + x (3 + x (2 + x))))))))))) )))))))The output is not space-efficient. Furthermore, CForm and FortranForm exhibit similar behaviour since they utilise the same internal code. In contrast, our implementation is able to deal with such difficult examples, even when sub-expression extraction is requested.
In[7]:= FortranAssign[nestpoly, nestpoly, AssignMaxSize->200] Out[7]//OutputForm= t1=4.d0+x*(3.d0+x*(2.d0+x)) t2=x*(6.d0+x*(5.d0+t1*x)) t3=9.d0+x*(8.d0+(7.d0+t2)*x) t4=x*(1.1d1+x*(1.d1+t3*x)) t5=1.4d1+x*(1.3d1+(1.2d1+t4)*x) t6=x*(1.6d1+x*(1.5d1+t5*x)) t7=1.9d1+x*(1.8d1+(1.7d1+t6)*x) nestpoly=2.d1+t7*xFurther examples of the use of the code optimization option are provided in the applications section 6.
Jorge Romao