Ubuntu 20.4

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Installing Software

General Things

Install Languages following request Install gnome-tweak-tool and synaptic sudo apt-get install gnome-tweaks sudo apt-get install synaptic Choose Workspaces static. This and the number of workspace is changed with gnome tweak tool Install Extras sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer sudo apt-get install nautilus-dropbox sudo apt-get install libappindicator1 sudo apt-get install rar To enable Control-Alt-Backspace to kill X server sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration hit enter to accept curernt values until you get to the item Control-Alt-Backspace

To Hide User List in Ubuntu 18.04 Login Screen Become root

sudo -i Then switch to user gdm, which is required to run gsettings to configure gdm settings.

su gdm -s /bin/bash Finally hide user list from login screen using Gsettings:

gsettings set org.gnome.login-screen disable-user-list true Install unison sudo apt-get install unison sudo apt-get install unison-gtk Install keepassx: use synaptic Install sshd in the server sudo apt install openssh-server Then enable Xforward in /etc/ssh/ssh_config an /etc/sshd_config

To have passwords stored sudo apt-get install libgnome-keyring0


Open "Software & Updates" and enable Canonical partners repository under Other Software tab. Then do sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install skypeforlinux


Emacs and LaTeX (and Text in general)






Tricks for gnuplot

Compilers and Maths=

gnu compilers, at and octave




Apache MySQL and PHP Server

Allowing www-data group in UserDir directories

Install Apache with SSL

Install SSL Certificates

OwnCloud and SSL

OwnCloud Upgrades

OwnCloud Upload Folders

Owncloud Repair Files

Owncloud Unlock Files



Installation Questions

Connection with MySQL

To use with Emacs


Install Mediaki in Ubuntu 16.04

Export the Mediawiki Database in SQL

Export into site with all the files

Import the Mediawiki Database in SQL

Import the Mediawiki Database in from HTML

Secure LocalSettings.php


Change Setting to see errors


Adobe Reader

Rotate a PDF under Ubuntu Linux

Dvips fonts

Sendmail and alpine

Other Software

MS Fonts


Stop avhai-deamon


Grub screen resolution

Disable Password after Suspend

Cleaning up

Change boot order in grub

Setting smart host in sendmail

System Load Indicator