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===Create PDF figures from FeynMaster===
===Create PDF figures from FeynMaster===
To create a PDF figure from FeynMaster follow the procedure:
===Arial Fonts in PDFLaTeX===
===Arial Fonts in PDFLaTeX===

Revision as of 16:01, 8 March 2022

How to use SSH without passwords

  • You want to enter from computer A into computer B using ssh without passwords
  1. Generate the public keys in computer A
    ssh-keygen -t dsa
    ssh-keygen -t rsa

    and follow the instructions

  2. Copy the public keys for computer A into a file authorized_keys_A
    cd; cd .ssh
    cp id_dsa.pub authorized_keys_A
    cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys_A
  3. Copy the file to computer B using your password
    scp authorized_keys_A user@Computer_B
  4. Login into Computer B using your password
  5. Move the file to the directory .ssh. If this is the only computer you want to use move the file to authorized_keys
    cd .ssh
    mv authorized_keys_A authorized_keys
  6. If you want to do the same with other computers and have already an authorizes_keys file, then append it
    cat authorized_keys_A >> authorized_keys
  7. If it fails (it happened with Ubuntu 18.04) after the procedure explained do in client side (computer A)

    Verify with

    ssh-add -l
  8. That is all. Now you can login from A to B without password and using ssh.

Main Page

How to use the nodes@cftp

What are the nodes (This information is obsolete)

  • The nodes are 6 computers dedicated only for calculations. Each have 4 CPU's, in a total of 24 CPU's.
  • They are different, so they are not good to use in parallel programming

From the net you can only access node1:

ssh user@node1.tecnico.ulisboa.pt

The others 5 are in a sub-net and can only be accessed from node1

  • There is only one user directory in node1. It is automatically mounted on all the other nodes, so you will always see the same directory structure
  • You should not use the nodes running the programs directly. You should use the software Sun Grid Engine described below

How to use the software Sun Grid Engine (Not anymore installed)

  • The main idea is that you submit the jobs using a software that knows what are the free CPU's in each node and submits the job there
  • This is best done using scripts. I am going to show two basic scripts. For this suppose that you have a directory structure as follows
├── Dir1
│   ├── example.dat
│   ├── ProgTest
│   └── ProgTest.f
├── Dir2
│   ├── example.dat
│   ├── ProgTest
│   └── ProgTest.f
├── job1.sh
└── job2.sh
  • This means that you have a base Directory Examples and two sub-directories Dir1 and Dir2.
  • Inside each of these directories there are all the files needed to run the program, including the executable and any other necessary input. The final results will go also into these directories.
  • In the base directories there are two scripts. They do the same thing, but they differ in a way I will explain below.
  • Script job1.sh
#!/bin/bash -x                                                                  
# request Bourne shell as shell for job                                         
#$ -S /bin/sh                                                                   

echo "DESCRIPTION: Job File for qsub. "
echo "USAGE: qsub job1.sh subdir "
echo  "           -h         Print usage."

if [[ $# == 0 || "$1" == "-h" ]]; then

# Start Date

export PATH

cd $DIR


# End Date

  • You run this script with the command
qsub job1.sh Dir1


qsub job1.sh Dir2
  • When the program ends the results are in those directories
  • If the program takes sometime, you can see if they are running with the command
  • The output is something like this
node1$ qstat
job-ID  prior   name       user         state submit/start at     queue                          slots ja-task-ID 
    244 0.55500 job1.sh    romao        r     06/07/2016 19:30:41 all.q@node6                        1        
    245 0.55500 job1.sh    romao        r     06/07/2016 19:30:41 all.q@node3   
  • To kill a job, first get the job number with the command qstat, and then use
qdel jobnumber1 jobnumber2 ...

You can delete several jobs with the same command

  • Script job2.sh
#!/bin/bash -x                                                                 
# request Bourne shell as shell for job                                         
#$ -S /bin/sh                                                                   

echo "DESCRIPTION: Job File for qsub. "
echo "USAGE: qsub job2.sh subdir "
echo  "           -h         Print usage."

if [[ $# == 0 || "$1" == "-h" ]]; then

# Start Date                                                                    

export PATH

if [ -d /tmp/romao/$1 ]; then

cd /tmp/romao
rm -fr $1

cp -pLR $DIR/ProgTest /tmp/romao/$1/


mkdirhier /tmp/romao/$1

cp -pLR $DIR/ProgTest /tmp/romao/$1/


cd /tmp/romao/$1

time ./ProgTest

cp example.dat $DIR/

cd /tmp/romao
rm -fr $1

# End Date                                                                      

  • This script does the same thing with one difference. In the first script the jobs are run inside the directories Dir1 and Dir2. These directories are physically in node1 and mounted by nfs on the other machines. If your job writes many times to the disk, these results have to transferred by nfs to the directory in node1 and this slows down the performance. The script job2.sh solves this problem by copying the program files in the /tmp directory in the nodes where you are running. Uses the scratch space there and only when the job end copies everything back to your directory.
  • You have to change the names of the program files to suit your case
  • Warning: To use this script you have to have ssh without passwords enabled between node1 and the other nodes. See above

Main Page

Mathematica and Fortran

How to Enable debugging in ifort

  • To be able to traceback where the error comes from one should compile with the options
ifort -g -traceback ...

How to Export data from Mathematica

  • Suppose that you have a list with several entries in mathematica. Let us consider an example
In[2]:= data = Table[{x, Sin[x], Cos[x]}, {x, 0., Pi, Pi/16}]

Out[2]= (0.	0.	1.
0.19635	0.19509	0.980785
0.392699 0.382683 0.92388
0.589049 0.55557 0.83147
0.785398 0.707107 0.707107
0.981748 0.83147 0.55557
1.1781	0.92388	0.382683
1.37445	0.980785 0.19509
1.5708	1. 6.12323*10^-17
1.76715	0.980785 -0.19509
1.9635	0.92388	-0.382683
2.15984	0.83147	-0.55557
2.35619	0.707107 -0.707107
2.55254	0.55557	-0.83147
2.74889	0.382683 -0.92388
2.94524	0.19509	-0.980785
3.14159	1.22465*10^-16	-1.

  • You can export this data into a file by doing
In[3]:= Export["datafile.dat", data,"TSV"]

Out[3]= datafile.dat
  • The file will look like
0.	0.	1.
0.19634954084936207	0.19509032201612825	0.9807852804032304
0.39269908169872414	0.3826834323650898	0.9238795325112867
0.5890486225480862	0.5555702330196022	0.8314696123025452
0.7853981633974483	0.7071067811865475	0.7071067811865476
0.9817477042468103	0.8314696123025452	0.5555702330196023
1.1780972450961724	0.9238795325112867	0.38268343236508984
1.3744467859455345	0.9807852804032304	0.19509032201612833
1.5707963267948966	1.	6.123233995736766e-17
1.7671458676442586	0.9807852804032304	-0.1950903220161282
1.9634954084936207	0.9238795325112867	-0.3826834323650897
2.1598449493429825	0.8314696123025455	-0.555570233019602
2.356194490192345	0.7071067811865476	-0.7071067811865475
2.552544031041707	0.5555702330196022	-0.8314696123025453
2.748893571891069	0.3826834323650899	-0.9238795325112867
2.945243112740431	0.1950903220161286	-0.9807852804032304
3.141592653589793	1.2246467991473532e-16	-1.

How to Import data into Mathematica

  • Data can be imported into Mathematica with the command
newdata = Import["datafile.dat"]
  • This produces the output
In[1] =newdata
Out[1]=(0.	0.	1.
0.19635	0.19509	0.980785
0.392699	0.382683	0.92388
0.589049	0.55557	0.83147
0.785398	0.707107	0.707107
0.981748	0.83147	0.55557
1.1781	0.92388	0.382683
1.37445	0.980785	0.19509
1.5708	1.	6.12323*10^-17
1.76715	0.980785	-0.19509
1.9635	0.92388	-0.382683
2.15984	0.83147	-0.55557
2.35619	0.707107	-0.707107
2.55254	0.55557	-0.83147
2.74889	0.382683	-0.92388
2.94524	0.19509	-0.980785
3.14159	1.22465*10^-16	-1.


How to Export from Mathematica into Fortran

  • It is many times useful to output the results of Mathematica into a Fortran file. To export in a format compatible with Fortran 77 we can use the method here described. Suppose we calculate the following expression in Mathematica
In[2]:= res = (x + y + z)^10 // Expand

Out[2]= x^10+10 x^9 y+10 x^9 z+45 x^8 y^2+90 x^8 y z+45 x^8 z^2+120 x^7 y^3+360 x^7 y^2 z+360 x^7 y z^2+120 x^7 z^3+210 x^6 y^4+840 x^6 y^3 z+1260 x^6 y^2 z^2+840 x^6 y z^3+210 x^6 z^4+252 x^5 y^5+1260 x^5 y^4 z+2520 x^5 y^3 z^2+2520 x^5 y^2 z^3+1260 x^5 y z^4+252 x^5 z^5+210 x^4 y^6+1260 x^4 y^5 z+3150 x^4 y^4 z^2+4200 x^4 y^3 z^3+3150 x^4 y^2 z^4+1260 x^4 y z^5+210 x^4 z^6+120 x^3 y^7+840 x^3 y^6 z+2520 x^3 y^5 z^2+4200 x^3 y^4 z^3+4200 x^3 y^3 z^4+2520 x^3 y^2 z^5+840 x^3 y z^6+120 x^3 z^7+45 x^2 y^8+360 x^2 y^7 z+1260 x^2 y^6 z^2+2520 x^2 y^5 z^3+3150 x^2 y^4 z^4+2520 x^2 y^3 z^5+1260 x^2 y^2 z^6+360 x^2 y z^7+45 x^2 z^8+10 x y^9+90 x y^8 z+360 x y^7 z^2+840 x y^6 z^3+1260 x y^5 z^4+1260 x y^4 z^5+840 x y^3 z^6+360 x y^2 z^7+90 x y z^8+10 x z^9+y^10+10 y^9 z+45 y^8 z^2+120 y^7 z^3+210 y^6 z^4+252 y^5 z^5+210 y^4 z^6+120 y^3 z^7+45 y^2 z^8+10 y z^9+z^10 
  • To export into a Fortran file you do the following
stmp = OpenWrite["expression.f", FormatType -> FortranForm, PageWidth -> 60];
Write[stmp, exp];
  • The file will look like
        "res="x**10 + 10*x**9*y + 45*x**8*y**2 + 
     -   120*x**7*y**3 + 210*x**6*y**4 + 252*x**5*y**5 + 
     -   210*x**4*y**6 + 120*x**3*y**7 + 45*x**2*y**8 + 
     -   10*x*y**9 + y**10 + 10*x**9*z + 90*x**8*y*z + 
     -   360*x**7*y**2*z + 840*x**6*y**3*z + 
     -   1260*x**5*y**4*z + 1260*x**4*y**5*z + 
     -   840*x**3*y**6*z + 360*x**2*y**7*z + 90*x*y**8*z + 
     -   10*y**9*z + 45*x**8*z**2 + 360*x**7*y*z**2 + 
     -   1260*x**6*y**2*z**2 + 2520*x**5*y**3*z**2 + 
     -   3150*x**4*y**4*z**2 + 2520*x**3*y**5*z**2 + 
     -   1260*x**2*y**6*z**2 + 360*x*y**7*z**2 + 
     -   45*y**8*z**2 + 120*x**7*z**3 + 840*x**6*y*z**3 + 
     -   2520*x**5*y**2*z**3 + 4200*x**4*y**3*z**3 + 
     -   4200*x**3*y**4*z**3 + 2520*x**2*y**5*z**3 + 
     -   840*x*y**6*z**3 + 120*y**7*z**3 + 210*x**6*z**4 + 
     -   1260*x**5*y*z**4 + 3150*x**4*y**2*z**4 + 
     -   4200*x**3*y**3*z**4 + 3150*x**2*y**4*z**4 + 
     -   1260*x*y**5*z**4 + 210*y**6*z**4 + 252*x**5*z**5 + 
     -   1260*x**4*y*z**5 + 2520*x**3*y**2*z**5 + 
     -   2520*x**2*y**3*z**5 + 1260*x*y**4*z**5 + 
     -   252*y**5*z**5 + 210*x**4*z**6 + 840*x**3*y*z**6 + 
     -   1260*x**2*y**2*z**6 + 840*x*y**3*z**6 + 
     -   210*y**4*z**6 + 120*x**3*z**7 + 360*x**2*y*z**7 + 
     -   360*x*y**2*z**7 + 120*y**3*z**7 + 45*x**2*z**8 + 
     -   90*x*y*z**8 + 45*y**2*z**8 + 10*x*z**9 + 
     -   10*y*z**9 + z**10
  • To use in a program you should take out the "" and it is better to change the continuation character in something that is not used in Fortran like the &. The file will then look like
         res=x**10 + 10*x**9*y + 45*x**8*y**2 + 
     &   120*x**7*y**3 + 210*x**6*y**4 + 252*x**5*y**5 + 
     &   210*x**4*y**6 + 120*x**3*y**7 + 45*x**2*y**8 + 
     &   10*x*y**9 + y**10 + 10*x**9*z + 90*x**8*y*z + 
     &   360*x**7*y**2*z + 840*x**6*y**3*z + 
     &   1260*x**5*y**4*z + 1260*x**4*y**5*z + 
     &   840*x**3*y**6*z + 360*x**2*y**7*z + 90*x*y**8*z + 
     &   10*y**9*z + 45*x**8*z**2 + 360*x**7*y*z**2 + 
     &   1260*x**6*y**2*z**2 + 2520*x**5*y**3*z**2 + 
     &   3150*x**4*y**4*z**2 + 2520*x**3*y**5*z**2 + 
     &   1260*x**2*y**6*z**2 + 360*x*y**7*z**2 + 
     &   45*y**8*z**2 + 120*x**7*z**3 + 840*x**6*y*z**3 + 
     &   2520*x**5*y**2*z**3 + 4200*x**4*y**3*z**3 + 
     &   4200*x**3*y**4*z**3 + 2520*x**2*y**5*z**3 + 
     &   840*x*y**6*z**3 + 120*y**7*z**3 + 210*x**6*z**4 + 
     &   1260*x**5*y*z**4 + 3150*x**4*y**2*z**4 + 
     &   4200*x**3*y**3*z**4 + 3150*x**2*y**4*z**4 + 
     &   1260*x*y**5*z**4 + 210*y**6*z**4 + 252*x**5*z**5 + 
     &   1260*x**4*y*z**5 + 2520*x**3*y**2*z**5 + 
     &   2520*x**2*y**3*z**5 + 1260*x*y**4*z**5 + 
     &   252*y**5*z**5 + 210*x**4*z**6 + 840*x**3*y*z**6 + 
     &   1260*x**2*y**2*z**6 + 840*x*y**3*z**6 + 
     &   210*y**4*z**6 + 120*x**3*z**7 + 360*x**2*y*z**7 + 
     &   360*x*y**2*z**7 + 120*y**3*z**7 + 45*x**2*z**8 + 
     &   90*x*y*z**8 + 45*y**2*z**8 + 10*x*z**9 + 
     &   10*y*z**9 + z**10
  • One can use PageWidth up to 72 in Fortran 77. I prefer to be below because this way the file looks more clear
  • One can then convert into Fortran 90, using some standard converter

How to Write Sequentially to a File Inside a Do Loop

myfile = OpenWrite["myfile.dat"];

Do[var1 = N[Pi* i]; var2 = N[EulerGamma/i];
  var3 = N[E^(i)]; var1str = ToString[InputForm[var1]];
      var2str = ToString[InputForm[var2]];
      var3str = ToString[InputForm[var3]]; 
  WriteString[myfile, var1str, "  ", var2str, "  ", var3str, 
   "\n"], {i, 1, 10}];


How to Export from Mathematica into Fortran Using Format.m

  • Format.m is a program to produce a nice output into Fortran, including arrays. It was done by M. Sofroniou. It can be obtained here
  • If you try to load it as is, it will complain about not finding Utilities`FilterOptions`, a package that no longer ships with Mathematica 10. To fix this:
  1. Change
     BeginPackage["Format`", "Utilities`FilterOptions`"]


  2. Add
    FilterOptions[fun_, opts___] := Sequence@@FilterRules[{opts}, Options[fun]]

    right after


How to use Mathematica in batch mode

  • first use
at now
  • Then at the prompt do
>math -noprompt -script input_file

Get out with CTRL D

Main Page

Mathematica and OneLoop in FeynCalc

  • Use of TID instead of OneLoop
result=(-I / Pi^2) ( amp // TID[#, k, ToPaVe -> True] & ) 

Do not forget the parenthesis

Main Page

Managing my Library of Papers

  • The papers in MyLibary are organized by keywords. Here is a list of those keywords:
switch ($ACT) {
 case 0:
   echo "";
 case 1:

   $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE authors LIKE '%romao%' ORDER BY year $sort, spires $sort ");
   $TITLE="Papers by Jorge Romão";

 case 2:
   $statement =$connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE
   '%mylib-sm%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor");
   $TITLE="Articles on the Standard Model";

 case 3:
   $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-review%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor");
   $TITLE="Review Articles";
 case 4:
   $statement=$connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-susy%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor");
   $TITLE="SUSY (General)";
 case 5:
   $statement =$connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-mssm%'  ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor");
   $TITLE="Articles on the MSSM";

  case 6:
   $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-rparity%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor ");
   $TITLE="Articles on R-Parity";

 case 7:
   $statement=$connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-nmssm%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor ");
   $TITLE="Articles on the NMSSM";

 case 8:
   $statement =$connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-lfv%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor ");
   $TITLE="Articles on Lepton Flavour Violation";

 case 9:
   $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-neutrinos%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor ");
   $TITLE="Articles on Neutrinos";

 case 10:
   $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-darkmatter%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor");
   $TITLE="Articles on Dark Matter";

 case 11:
   $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-gut%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor");
   $TITLE="Articles on GUT";

 case 12:
   $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-seesaw%'  ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor");
   $TITLE="Articles on Seesaw Models";
 case 13:
   $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-leptogenesis%'  ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor");
   $TITLE="Articles on Leptogenesis";

 case 14:
   $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-electromagnetism%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor");
   $TITLE="Articles on Electromagnetism";

 case 15:
   $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-quantum-mechanics%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor ");
   $TITLE="Articles on Quantum Mechanics";

 case 16:
   $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-field-theory%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor");
   $TITLE="Articles on Quantum Field Theory";

 case 17:
   $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-gravity%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor");
   $TITLE="Articles on Gravitation";

 case 18:
   $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-divulgacao%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor");
   $TITLE="Articles on Science Divulgation";

 case 19;
 $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE authors LIKE '%romao%' OR project LIKE '%mylib%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor");
 $TITLE="All papers in My Library";

 case 20:
   $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-atwork1%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor");
   $TITLE="Papers for work 1";

 case 21:
     $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-atwork2%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor");
     $TITLE="Papers for work 2";

 case 22:
     $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-atwork3%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor");
     $TITLE="Papers for work 3";

 case 23:
     $statement = $connection->query("SELECT * FROM database_name WHERE  project LIKE '%mylib-atwork4%' ORDER BY year $sort,firstauthor");
     $TITLE="Papers for work 4";

Main Page

Tips on Unix commands


  • If your locale does not use . as the numeric separator, like
$ locale

then numeric sort does not work

  • To solve this use the following command
sort -g <(sed 's/\./,/' file) | sed 's/\,/./' 
  • For sorting reverse
sort -gr <(sed 's/\./,/' file) | sed 's/\,/./' 

Main Page

Tips Gnuplot

Output files

  • Postscript output
set size 0.895,0.5
set term postscript portrait enhanced color solid lw 2 
set output "plot.eps" 
  • PNG output with approximately the same ratio
set size 0.8,0.5
set terminal pngcairo dashed enhanced font "arial,20" lw 2 crop  size 900,1200
set output "plot.png"

Main Page

Syntax for labels

set label 1 at 200,3e-5 font "*,16" "label"

Use of awk

  • Sometimes one wants to make cuts in the data. One simple way to make cuts is to use awk. The syntax is
plot "<awk -f cuts.awk datafile.dat" with lines ls 1
  • An example of the cuts.awk file could be
    function minvec(vec,   i, ret)
	for (i in vec) {
	    if (ret == "" || vec[i] < ret)
		ret = vec[i]
	return ret
    function tan(x,ret)
	return ret
    function pot2(x,ret)
	return ret

    function abs(x,ret)
	return ret
      function sgn(x,ret)
	return ret

    if(abs($3-1) < 0.2)  {c1=1} else {c1=0}  

    if(c1==1) print $23,(pot2(246)*$30/tan($18))

Main Page

Make 1D histograms with gnuplot

plot 'file.dat' using (bin($1,binwidth)):(1.0) smooth freq with boxes

Fill Region defined by points

  • Suppose you have a region defined by a set of points. For instance in file.dat you have (the first point must be equal to the last one)
1  1
1  3
3  3
3  1
1  1
  • To fill the inside of the region you do
gnuplot> set xrange [0:4]
gnuplot> set yrange [0:4]
gnuplot> plot "file.dat" with filledcurves ls 1
  • One can make it less solid with the command
set style fill solid 0.2

The number can be in the interval 0 (white) 1 (full color)

Main Page

Tips LaTeX

feynmp-auto LaTeX package

  • Using feynmp-auto LaTeX package. The standard code is like

  • Now if you want to put an arrow in the W line you define a wiggly line with an arrow

style_def wiggly_arrow expr p =
cdraw (wiggly p);
shrink (1);
cfill (arrow p);

  • Of course you have to use mpost
latex file.tex
mpost 5.mp
latex file.tex

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Create PDF figures from FeynMaster

To create a PDF figure from FeynMaster follow the procedure:

  1. 1

Arial Fonts in PDFLaTeX

  • To use Arial fonts in LaTeX use the hevet package. Here is an example
% For arial in math mode



\put(-253,105){\scalebox{2.1}{\rotatebox{90}{$\mathbf{R_{ g_{Rb}^n}}$}}}
\put(-140,6){\scalebox{2.1}{\bf$\mathbf{m_3}$ (GeV)}}

  • This example also shows how to modify labels using pdflatex. In summary
    • Use a blank fig to superimpose on the label
    • Then right on top of the blank figure

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Tips on Windows OS

Repair unreadable disk

Run the command

chkdsk /f d:

where d is the drive letter you want to check

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