OneLoop Home Page


In this site I have available two small packages that I have done to help with one-loop calculations in High Energy Physics. To have an introduction to symbolic one-loop calculations using the package FeynCalc and numerical calculations using the package LoopTools you may look at their homepages or get my notes on this subject, Modern Techiques for One-Loop Calculations. If you have any problem using these programs or if you find a mistake, please send me an email: jorge.romao at

Note Added 2012: With time, the contents of my text Modern Techiques for One-Loop Calculations went into my book in Advanced Quantum Field Theory. This also meant that the updates for misprints were done in this last text and not in the original one. So if you find a misprint look in the other text.

The package OneLoop

This is a mathematica program that evaluates all the one-loop scalar and tensor integrals except for the integration in the Feynman parameters. The divergent parts of those integrals are also calculated. In some sense this is complementary to the Passarino Veltman decomposition used by FeynCalc and LoopTools. The conventions can be found in my notes. A short manual is provided with the calling conventions.

The package PVzem

This is a Fortran program that evaluates the one-loop scalar and tensor integrals for the case of zero external momenta. The conventions are as in FeynCalc and LoopTools. A short manual is provided with the calling conventions for these functions. At the moment (Version 0.7.0) the most important two and three-point functions are included.

Jorge Romao