This program generates Feynman diagrams for any process. It was done by Paulo Nogueira working at CeFEMA. Different models can be studied. There is no graphics output. The program can be downloaded from QGRAF Home Page. The manual comes with the package.

To compile you need a Fortran compiler. In Linux the command line is

gfortran qgraf-3.x.y.f -o qgraf

where x and y are the last version numbers and qgraf is the executable file. In Windows see explanation at the end.

It gives the correct symmetry factors among diagrams. For example for the Bhabha Scattering ( $e^- e^+ \rightarrow e^- e^+$) an input file will look like this. You can look at the QED Model file and at the corresponding output file.

For the Standard Model the following information is relevant:

Jorge Romao